BoxcarNH Newspapers

A bunch of Drew Pearson Newspaper Stories accessable on Goggle News
Drew Pearson - Boxcars Form A Bond
Drew Pearson - French Boxcar Outwears American-French Relations
Drew Pearson - French-American Relations "Worse"
Drew Pearson - Johnson-De Gaulle Parley Suggested
Drew Pearson - Johnson Urged to Visit De Gaulle
Drew Pearson - President Should See DeGaulle In Paris
Drew Pearson - Merci Boxcar Recall
Drew Pearson - Friendship Thrives Despite DeGaulle
Drew Pearson - American-French Friendship Still Thrives
Drew Pearson - LBJ Should Go To Paris To Confer With DeGaulle
Drew Pearson - Token Of French Amity Has Survived The Years

LIFE Feb 28, 1949
French San Francisco
Louisiana's Old State Capitol